Scott Davenport
"Pixsy takes the headaches out of pursuing infringements. Pixsy handles all the legal aspects letting me focus on my photography. Communication is excellent throughout the process, too."
Career: 9+ years
Kit: Sony A7RII bodies with the Sony Zeiss 16-35mm F4, 24-70mm F4, and 70-200mm F4 lenses.

Scott Davenport is a professional landscape photographer, author and photo educator from California who is active across a range of media formats including as a creator on YouTube and as host of his own podcast series, 'The Stop Down'.
Scott found the theft of his work a demotivating pressure forced upon his profession. When a company or business uses an image without licensing it, the work is ultimately devalued. That affects the entire industry as a whole and all photographers suffer as a result. Because of this, Scott had been forced to make more of his income from education and workshops.
When Scott first discovered Pixsy, he was able to save time and take the headache out of pursuing infringements. Fortunately, Pixsy handles all the legal aspects letting him focus on what he loves best - photography. Scott is able to be rightly compensated for infringements of his work and continue to pursue his profession and passion. And Pixsy's sophisticated tools can easily help him check for matches that he has flagged and open new cases for review.